September 4, 2013
Living on Food Storage: Day three week one

The pinch hasn’t started really yet. I’ve been in the habit of grocery shopping every two weeks and tomorrow’s the day I would ordinarily go, so next week, when I haven’t gone, my teenage son is going to notice that we’re drinking mixed milk. We ordinarily drink skim, so it isn’t that different. We may also run out of store-bought bread, so I’ll need to start making that regularly.
That said, last night’s supper was food storage-based and yummy. I’ve still got lots of fresh stuff in my fridge and my garden is producing cucumbers, melons, tomatoes and green beans, (zucchini is just starting and potatoes are just finishing.)The deer keep eating the tops off of the okra, so I doubt I’ll get any this year.

One thing I’ve learned from ‘living on the cheap’ experiments is that it’s wise to cook the things that take a long time in bulk and then they’re ready to use when you need them. Yesterday afternoon, I pressure cooked two pounds of red beans and a pound and a half of brown rice (separately). Last week I grilled five pounds of chicken breasts, too.

For those of you who don’t often use a pressure cooker, brown rice can be cooked perfectly by bringing it up to ten pounds of pressure for 8 minutes and then turning off the heat. So it’s a little faster than cooking white rice on the stove top. Brown rice has more body, both in flavor and consistency.

Cajun Fill’erup

Saute in a little canola oil in a large skillet:
1 chopped onion
 1  chopped green pepper
1 cup chopped zucchini (any green vegetable would work. This would traditionally be celery)
When almost tender, add:
2 cups cooked red beans
2 cups cooked brown rice
1 chopped grilled chicken breast
1 cup bottled salsa
salt, pepper, garlic to taste.
Serve with a little hot sauce, if you’re the saucy sort.

We also had leftover potato salad. I felt clever adding some sweet potatoes to the red potatoes. There weren’t quite enough to alter the flavor but at least they didn’t get wasted. But now I’m out of homegrown potatoes until next year. 



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