
The final redo for The Angel’s Song

July 3, 2014

The original version of The Angel’s Song is a teenager now. I did some minor edits and tweaks when I retrieved the copyrights from the original publisher and made it available online. But I’ve rewritten it for the last time now, according to a higher literary standard. I mainly fixed some issues with the flow and tension of the story. My brother “Jiggs” made some observations about it that resonated, and I finally decided it was worth doing. I realized that as long as it bears my name on the front, I owe it to my readers to make it well worth the trouble of buying and reading! So far this year, there have been over 650 downloads.    

Those familiar with this blog will also notice that I have changed the cover.

 The original book has the art work of Amie Jacobsen on the front cover. But it is very Christmas-y and I realized that there’s no reason to promote this book as a Christmas story, since the overall theme is not related to Christmas.  SOO, I’ve given it a simple, most-of-the-year cover, and will probably revert to the previous red cover with the angel ornament closer to Christmas.  We’ll see.

I’ve enabled the button on Amazon.com that allows you to download the new version to Kindle for free, if you’ve already purchased an earlier version.  I imagine that you can re-download for free too, if you got in on the free weekend earlier this year.  
I dearly welcome any and all reviews on Amazon for either of my currently published books!   

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